8th Cuban Congress on Microbiology and Parasitology, 5th National Congress on Tropical Medicine and 5th International Symposium on HIV/aids infection in Cuba

Dear colleague,

The 8th National Congress of Microbiology and Parasitology, the 5th National Congress of Tropical Medicine and 5th International Symposium on HIV/AIDS infection in Cuba, to be held from 14 to 16 October 2014 in the Palace of Conventions in Havana, provide a room for updating, discussing and exchanging on the role of microbiology and parasitology in addressing high impact diseases such as infectious diseases, emerging and re-emerging and neglected tropical diseases.

Advances in the understanding of bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infectious diseases, its diagnostic, epidemiology, and clinical pathology will be addressed through lectures, symposia, panel discussions, oral, and poster presentations.

The key themes of the conference are: HIV/aids, tuberculosis, dengue, malaria, cholera, influenza, antimicrobial resistance, capacity strengthening, and globalization of infectious diseases, among others.

Pre-congresses courses will be held on Monday 13, 2014 at the Institute of Tropical Medicine “Pedro Kouri”, IPK. Registration to the courses is independent of congress registration. Those interested to attend the pre-congress courses should ask for their registration at the course of interest.(resumen8@ipk.sld.cu)

The congress will develop in two formats, on-line and  live formats.

Those interested should register at the congress site http://www.microbio_parasito_sida_med_tropical.sld.cu/index.php/ or http://www.congresomicrobiologiacuba.com and should submit their abstracts.

Once registered, you will have full access to the published congress information. Registration at the congress does not guarantee the attendance at the on live congress.

All accepted abstracts will be included at the on-line congress. The Scientific Committee will define the abstracts of the on-live congress. Authors will be informed in due time. Decisions of the Scientific Committee are final.

We are confident that the capital of Cuba, with its hospitality, will help you to have fruitful days of scientific exchanges and, at the same time enjoy the benefits of our climate and human quality.

We hope you to join us in this important Congress.

Organizing Committee